Zahra Arasti

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-02-21

Zahra Arasti

Faculty of Entrepreneurship / Entrepreneurship Development

Journal Paper

  1. "Bearing the Unbearable: Exploring Women Entrepreneurs Resilience Building in Times of Crises"
    Golshan Javadian, Afsaneh Bagheri, Pardis Zakeri, Zahra Arasti
    JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, Vol. 188, No 4, 2023
  2. "poverty and entrepreneurship: A systematic rview of poverty-related issues discussed in Entrepreneurship literature"
    Masoud Moradi, Narges Imanipour, Zahra Arasti, Reza Mohammadkazemi
    World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 16, No 2, pp.125-152, 2020
  3. "Identifying social entrepreneurship competencies of managers in social entrepreneurship organizations in healthcare sector"
    Zahra Amini, Zahra Arasti, Afsaneh Bagheri
    Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, Vol. 8, No 19, pp.1-14, 2018
  4. "Growth barriers of women-owned home-based businesses in Iran: an exploratory study"
    Meisam Modaressi, Zahra Arasti, Kambiz Talebi, Maghsoud Ferasatkhah
    Gender in Management, Vol. 32, No 4, pp.244-267, 2017
  5. "Creation of ICT-Based Social Start-Ups in Iran: A Multiple Case Study1"
    Aidin Salamzadeh, Zahra Arasti, Ghanbar Mohammadi Elyasi
    JOURNAL OF ENTERPRISING CULTURE, Vol. 25, No 1, pp.97-122, 2017
  6. "Women’s entrepreneurship in Iran: How are women owning and managing home-based businesses motivated to grow?"
    Meisam Modaressi, Zahra Arasti, Kambiz Talebi, lمقصود فراستخواه
    International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 8, No 4, pp.446-470, 2016
  7. "Designing Effective Strategies to Improve Performance Indicators of Bread Industry Using System Dynamics: A case study in Iran"
    Zahra Arasti, Taha Hossein Hejazi, Zahra Geilari
    Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Studies, Vol. 2, No 1, pp.74-94, 2015
  8. "Explaining the Role of Managerial Skills of Entrepreneurship in Business Success"
    Zahra Arasti, Fakhrisadat Noui, Narges Imanipour
    International Journal of Management Sciences, Vol. 4, No 1, pp.42-52, 2014
  9. "Identifying the Evaluative Indicators of Regulatory Policies for the Development of Social Entrepreneurship"
    Zahra Arasti, Hadi Zarei, Fatemeh Didevar
    Public Organization Review, Vol. 4, No 14, pp.1-22, 2014
  10. "Business failure factors in Iranian SMEs: Do successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs have different viewpoints?"
    Zahra Arasti, فهیمه زندی, Neda Bhamani
    Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, Vol. 4, No 1, pp.3-14, 2014
  11. "A Qualitative Study on Environmental Factors Affecting Iranian Women Entrepreneurs’ Growth Orientation"
    Zahra Arasti, Sima Oliayee Rezayee , Behrouz Zarei Korkabad, Shirin Majd Shariat Panah
    Journal of Management and Strategy, Vol. 3, No 2, pp.39-49, 2012
  12. "normative institutional factors affecting entrepreneurial intention in Iranian information technology sector"
    Zahra Arasti, Fatemeh Ahamedi Pasvishe, Mahmoud Motevaseli
    Journal of Management and Strategy, Vol. 3, No 2, pp.16-24, 2012
  13. "A Study of Teaching Methods in Entrepreneurship Education for Graduate Students"
    Zahra Arasti, Mansoreh Kiani Falavarjani , Narges Imanipour
    Studies in Higher Education, Vol. 2, No 1, pp.2-10, 2012
  14. "A Qualitative Study on Individual factors affecting Iranian woman entrepreneurs' growth orientations"
    Zahra Arasti, Sima Oliaee Rezaee, Behrouz Zarei Korkabad, Shirin Majd Shariat Panahi
    international business research, Vol. 5, No 3, pp.81-90, 2012
  15. "A Qualitative Study on Individual Factors Affecting Iranian Women Entrepreneurs' Growth Orientation"
    Zahra Arasti, Panahi Shirin Majd Shariat , Behrouz Zarei , Sima Oliaee Rezaee
    international business research, Vol. 5, No 3, pp.81-90, 2012
  16. "Exploring the Effect of Individual Factors on Business Failure in Iranian New Established Small Businesses"
    Zahra Arasti, Fahimeh Zandi , Kambiz Talebi
    international business research, Vol. 5, No 4, 2012
  17. "An empirical study on the causes of business failure in Iranian context"
    Zahra Arasti
    South African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 5, No 17, pp.7488-7498, 2011
  18. "gender differences in the causes of business failure"
    Zahra Arasti
    Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, Vol. 1, No 1, pp.95-106, 2011
  19. "Lentrepreneuriat feminin en iran les structures sociocuturelles"
    Zahra Arasti
  20. "Mapping the Knowledge Structure and Research Gaps in Entrepreneurial Agency: A Scientometric Analysis"
    زهرا بهروزآذر, Ghanbar Mohammadi Elyasi, محمد کیهانی, Zahra Arasti, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani
    Journal of Entrepreneurship & Innovation Researches, Vol. 3, No 3, 2024
  21. "A Systemetic Review and Scientometric Analysis of Scientific Research in the Field of Green Entrepreneurship Development"
    فاطمه آموسا, صفر فضلی , Zahra Arasti, مجید الهی
    Scientometrics Researches, Vol. 10, No 1, 2024
  22. "Designing a green entrepreneurship development model in the field of municipal waste management"
    فاطمه آموسا, صفر فضلی , Zahra Arasti, مجید الهی
    Parliament and strategy, Vol. 31, No 117, 2024
  23. "Interdisciplinary mapping of body of knowledge-based agencies; A step towards understanding entrepreneurial agency"
    [] [], Ghanbar Mohammadi Elyasi, محمد کیهانی, Zahra Arasti, Mahmoud AhmadPour dariyani
    Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, Vol. 16, No 2, pp.69-100, 2024
  24. "Developing a model for the post-failure social and psychological processes among Iranian entrepreneurs: A narrative research"
    Morteza Hendijanifard, Zahra Arasti, Narges Imanipour, Ehsan Chitsaz
  25. "Designing a Development Model and Business Model Selection Based on Social Innovation"
    فاطمه خراسانچی, Narges Imanipour, Zahra Arasti, Seyed Sajadi
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 16, No 3, pp.31-46, 2023
  26. "A Systematic Literature Review for the Development of Ethics in Social Businesses"
    محسن حیدری, Zahra Arasti, Afsaneh Bagheri, Ghanbar Mohammadi Elyasi
    Journal of Intrenational Business Administration, Vol. 6, No 3, pp.109-130, 2023
  27. "Business failure: A bibliometric and content analysis"
    Morteza Hendijani Fard, Zahra Arasti, Narges Imanipour, Ehsan Chitsaz
    Quarterly Research Journal of Technical and Vocational University, Vol. 20, pp.35-62, 2023
  28. "systematic literature review on business ethics education"
    محسن حیدری, Zahra Arasti, Afsaneh Bagheri, Ghanbar Mohammadi Elyasi
    ethics in science & technology, Vol. 18, No 2, 2023
  29. "Designing business model evaluation model with social innovation approach"
    [] [], Narges Imanipour, Zahra Arasti, Seyed Sajadi
    Innovation and creativity in the humanities, Vol. 12, No 3, pp.143-178, 2023
  30. "Copreneurship in Iran: what internal environmental factors could lead to the success of copreneurs?"
    Zahra Arasti, Laleh Sadeghian, Maryam Saeedian, Narges Imanipour
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 14, No 3, 2021
  31. "A Systematic Mapping Review and analysis of cognitive science in Opportunity Identification Literature: 1994-2018"
    vahideh bamshad, Kambiz Talebi, Hamidreza Yazdani, Zahra Arasti
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 14, No 1, pp.1-19, 2021
  32. "Comparative study of entrepreneurship education in elementary school in selected countries and presenting a model for Iran"
    Neda Bahmani, Zahra Arasti, Rasool Hosseini
    Quarterly Journal of The Macro and Strategic Policies, Vol. 7, No 4, pp.101-120, 2020
  33. "The Moderating Role of Gender in the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Capital and Opportunity Recognition"
    Masoumeh Ahmadi, Zahra Arasti
    women's studies sociological and psychological, Vol. 16, No 4, pp.223-245, 2019
  34. "Proposing a Supportive Framework for Creation of Social Startups in Accelerators"
    Aidin Salamzadeh, Zahra Arasti, Ghanbar Mohammadi Elyasi
    social capital management, Vol. 5, No 3, pp.365-384, 2018
  35. "identification of entrepreneurial intention's formation in poor people"
    Masoud Moradi, Narges Imanipour, Zahra Arasti, Reza Mohammadkazemi
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 11, No 2, pp.361-380, 2018
  36. "Entrepreneurship education in elementary school to improve entrepreneurial attitude"
    Neda Bhamani, Zahra Arasti, Seyed Rasoul Hosseini
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 10, No 4, pp.555-574, 2018
  37. "Identifying the role of mentors in new business establishment in accelerators"
    Afsaneh Bagheri, Fatemeh Pak, Zahra Arasti
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 3, No 4, pp.1-17, 2017
  38. "The Effect of entrepreneurship education by storytelling on Entrepreneurial Attitude of Primary School’s students"
    Zahra Arasti, Samira Ghoddosi, Afsaneh Bagheri
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 9, No 4, pp.593-612, 2017
  39. "Pathology of government’s supporting programs for the growth of home-based enterprises in viewpoint of female owner of home-based enterprise”"
    Meisam Modaressi, Zahra Arasti, Kambiz Talebi, مقصود فراستخواه
    Maanagement, Vol. 3, No 14, pp.25-46, 2016
  40. "A N A L Y S I S O F E C O N O M I C V A R I A B L E S A F F E C T I N G T H E I R A N I A N B R E A D I N D U S T R Y U S I N G A S Y S T E M D Y N A M I C S A P P R O A C H"
    Zahra Arasti, Hossein Badri, Taha Hossein Hejazi, Zahra Geilari
    Industrial Engineering & Management Sharif, Vol. 31.1, No 2, pp.19-26, 2016
  41. "Identifying entrepreneurial competencies required by disabled"
    Afsaneh Bagheri, Fatemeh Taghavi Maryam Abadi, Zahra Arasti
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 1, No 3, pp.492-473, 2015
  42. "Entrepreneurship training needs of rural youth to setup businesses in rural handicrafts"
    Morteza Akbari, Reza Golamzadeh, Zahra Arasti
    journal of Rural Research, Vol. 6, No 2, 2015
  43. "Explanation the Role of the Personal, Environmental and System Factors on the Success of Entrepreneurship Electronic Learning in University of Tehran"
    Zahra Arasti, Afroz Sefidgar, Reza Zafarain
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 8, No 1, pp.61-79, 2015
  44. "Evaluate the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education"Guest speaker""
    Zahra Arasti, Homan Heydari, Mohammad Hassan Mobaraki
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 7, No 3, pp.389-406, 2014
  45. "Formal & informal institutional factors affecting the implementation of social Entrepreneurial activities by women"
    Zahra Arasti, Mohammad Mehdi Maleki
    women's studies sociological and psychological, Vol. 12, No 1, pp.97-118, 2014
  46. "Social Capital of Entrepreneurs in Male and Female Dominated Job Sector"
    Zahra Arasti, Zhoan Nahid, Ariyan Gholi Pour
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 7, No 1, pp.17-35, 2014
  47. "How the role of female entrepreneurs' social network change from start-up to establishment phase: Case study of Export section"
    Zahra Arasti, Elnaz Tarzamni
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 6, No 4, pp.1-19, 2014
  48. "Review of Regulatory Policies for Development of Social Entrepreneurship with a Comparative Approach"
    Zahra Arasti, Hadi Zarei, Fatemeh Didevar
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 6, No 20, pp.195-214, 2013
  49. "Personality traits influencing social entrepreneurial intention of entrepreneurs"
    Zahra Arasti, Farinaz Fathi, Ariyan Gholi Pour
    Quarterly Journal of New Economy & Commerce, Vol. 7, pp.153-173, 2013
  50. "evaluation of entrepreneurship education program in higher education"
    Zahra Arasti, Saeeideh Saeeid Banadaki
    Iranian Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 15, No 57, pp.75-89, 2013
  51. "Women and men entrepreneurs' motivations in industry sector: similarities and differences"
    Zahra Arasti, Ahmad Kanani, Navisa Ghasemi
    Women in Development & Politics, Vol. 11, No 1, pp.83-100, 2013
  52. "women entrepreneurs motivation and its role in business growth"
    Zahra Arasti, Mahbobeh Valinejad, Mohammad Mehdi Maleki, Mohammad Hassan Mobaraki
    women's studies sociological and psychological, Vol. 11, No 1, pp.71-92, 2013
  53. "strategic management in social entrepreneurship"
    Zahra Arasti, Fatemeh Ghafourian, Mohammad Kaviani
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 5, No 18, pp.129-148, 2013
  54. "identifying the institutional factors affecting the emergence of social entrepreneurial activity"
    Zahra Arasti, محمد مهدی ملکی , Mahmoud Motevaseli
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 5, No 16, pp.185-203, 2012
  55. "influence of "fundamentals of entrepreneurship" course on students entrepreneurial intention in non-management disciplines"
    Zahra Arasti, سعیده سعیدبنادکی , Narges Imanipour
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 4, No 14, pp.107-124, 2012
  56. "نوع شناسی انگیزه های زنان کارآفرین ایرانی"
    Zahra Arasti, محبوبه والی نژاد
    women's studies sociological and psychological, Vol. 5, No 3, pp.99-125, 2011
  57. "ارائه مدلی از عوامل تاثیرگذار در موفقیت طرح های سرمایه گذاری کارآفرینان متقاضی تسهیلات بانکی"
    Zahra Arasti
    ECONOMIC RESEARCH, Vol. -, No 7, pp.73-92, 2010
  58. "causes of business failure in Iran"
    Zahra Arasti, منیره غلامی
    Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 2, No 8, pp.163-184, 2010
  59. "تحقیق پیرامون ویژگی های کسب و کارهای زنان کارآفرین تحصیل کرده دانشگاهی و مشکلات انان در راه اندازی کسب و کار"
    Zahra Arasti, محمدرضا اکبری جوکار
    JOURNAL OF DANESHVAR BEHAVIOUR, Vol. 15, No 32, pp.37-46, 2009
  60. "استراتژی های مدیریتی و رویکرد زنان کارآفرین ایرانی به موفقیت"
    Zahra Arasti, محمدرضا اکبری
    SPATIAL PLANNING, Vol. 12, No 1, pp.55-77, 2008

Conference Paper

  1. "Women Entrepreneurs Building Resilience During Crisis: Evidence From Iran"
    Afsaneh Bagheri, Golshan Javadian, Pardis Zakeri, Zahra Arasti
    Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2023
  2. "Storytelling as a method in entrepreneurship education to improve entrepreneurial attitude of students in primary school"
    Zahra Arasti, Afsaneh Bagheri, Samira Ghoddosi
    12th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2017
  3. "identifying the components of key partners of entrepreneurship education in primary schools of Iran"
    Arezoo Asa, Kobra Ghodarzi, Zahra Arasti, Narges Imanipour
    3rd International conference on entrepreneurship- emphasizing improvement of business environment, 2016
  4. "The investigation and identification of key roles in crowdfunding process in social entrepreneurial organizations"
    Zahra Arasti, Elham Rezagholizadeh, Narges Imanipour
    The 18th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference, 2015
  5. "Application of Structural Equation Modelling to Assess the Impact of Entrepreneurial Characteristics on Students Entrepreneurial Intentions"
    Saeed Karimi, Harm Biman, Thomas Lans, Martin Mulder, Zahra Arasti, محمد چیذری
    europeen confernce on innovation and entrepreneurship, 2011
  6. "Teaching Methods in Entrepreneurship Education: the case of business students in Iran"
    Zahra Arasti, منصوره کیانی فلاورجانی, Narges Imanipour
    europeen confernce on innovation and entrepreneurship, 2011
  7. "Business Model evaluation with social innovation approach; A way for business resilience"
    Fatemeh Khorasanchi, Narges Imanipour, Zahra Arasti, Seyed Sajadi
    18th international conference on management, 2021
  8. "Social Businesses Resilience during the Coronavirus Pandemic: Recommendations for Policymakers and Social Entrepreneurs"
    Zahra Arasti, Narges Imanipour, Aidin Salamzadeh
    18th international conference on management, 2021
  9. "formation of entrepreneurial orientation in poor people"
    MASOUD MORADI, Narges Imanipour, Zahra Arasti, Reza Mohammadkazemi
    2nd national conference of Entrepreneurship, 2018